Possession by evil spirits (Jinn) or the Devil (Shaitan) and exorcism is part of Islamic beliefs since its beginning.
According to Islamic scholars, "The Jinni enters the one seized by fits and causes him to speak incomprehensible words, unknown to himself; if the one seized by fits is struck a blow sufficient to kill a camel, he does not feel it." (Shaikh al-Islam ibn Taymiyyah, Majmoo al-Fatawa.)
Islamic clergy caution against the overuse of exorcism, citing that most cases are due to psychological and physical causes mistaken for possession. Real cases of possession are rare and the faithful are warned to watch out for exorcists who encourage a diagnosis of possession too quickly, as they may merely be seeking profit.
Islamic authorities also deny the possibility of possession by souls of deceased persons, and warn that evil spirits may make this claim in order to encourage sinful behavior among the living - such as tomb offerings and the hanging of amulets to ward off evil spirits.
Exorcism in the Quran and Sunnah
The following verse of the Quran compares the state of sinners on the Day of Judgment to the state of those made insane by the Devil: 275.
Those who eat Riba (usury) will not stand (on the Day of Resurrection) except like the standing of a person beaten by Shaitan (Satan) leading him to insanity... (Translation of The Meaning of the Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah 2:275)
Islamic scholars such as Al-Qurtabi cite this verse as proof against those who deny the possession by Jinn, or ascribe it to natural causes, as well as those who claim that the Devil (Shaitan) does not enter humans nor does he touch them.
There are also narrations that the Prophet Muhammad and his followers expelled evil beings from the bodies of believers using verses from the Quran, supplications to Allah, and holy Zamzam water.
This example is related by Ya'la ibn Murah:
I saw Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) do three things which no one before or after me saw. I went with him on a trip. On the way, we passed by a woman sitting at the roadside with a young boy. She called out, 'O Messenger of Allah, this boy is afflicted with a trial, and from him we have also been afflicted with a trial. I don't know how many times per day he is seized by fits.' He (peace be upon him) said: 'Give him to me.' So she lifted him up to the Prophet.
He (peace be upon him) then placed the boy between himself and the middle of the saddle, opened the boy's mouth and blew in it three times, saying, 'In the name of Allah, I am the slave of Allah, get out, enemy of Allah!' Then he gave the boy back to her and said: 'Meet us on our return at this same place and inform us how he has fared.' We then went. On our return, we found her in the same place with three sheep. When he said to her, 'How has your son fared?' She replied: 'By the One who sent you with the truth, we have not detected anything (unusual) in his behavior up to this time... (Musnad Ahmad (vol: 4, p. 170), and al-Haakim, who declared it authentic)
Am I possessed?
There are simple ways to know that, but remember don't be paranoid, if you have some psychiatric diseases or other diseases that modern science can't cure, like seeing things or hearing things or suffering from schizophrenia or epilepsy then you might be possessed; listen to the Quran for an hour or so each day and if you faint or start having nightmares or headaches, then this is a sign that you might be possessed, should listen to al ruqya
How to protect/cure?
The first and foremost requirement is to believe firmly that no one, can benefit or harm you except if Allah wills it. The Quran reminds us repeatedly that a true believer must believe firmly that Allah alone is the One Who can give us benefit or harm in an absolute sense; everything that befalls us from humans or other creatures is only secondary and is achieved only through the power derived from Allah; so the best remedy and cure is to continuously seek protection and refuge in Allah. Satan and all of his tricks and weapons could be defeated and rendered utterly ineffective if Allah wills.
Verses of the Quran and supplications which can be recited on a regular basis for protection:
1. Surah fatiha
2. Surah Al ikhlas
3. Surah an-nas
4. Ayt al-kursi
5. Quran in general
Besides the above, repeat the following supplications on a regular basis both in the morning and evening three times or more:
1) Bismillahi alladhi la yadurru ma`a ismihi shay'un fi al-ardi wa la fi as-sama'i wa huwa as-sami`u al-`alim
(In the name of Allah; with His name, nothing whatsoever on earth or heaven can inflict any harm; He is All-Hearing and All-Knowing).
2) Hasbiya Allahu la ilaha illa huwa `alayhi tawakkaltu wahuwa rabbu al-`arshi al-`azhim
(Allah suffices me; there is no god but He; in Him I place my sole trust; He is the Lord of the mighty Throne).
3) Allaahumma ini a`duhu bika min hamazati ash-shayatin wa a`udhu bika rabbi an yahdurun
(O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the whisperings of Satan; my Lord, I seek refuge in You from their presence around me).
4) A`udhu bi `izzati Allahi wa qudratihi mimma ajidu wa uhadhiru
(I seek refuge in Allah's glory and power from the affliction and pain I experience and suffer from).
It is important to remember that supplication will only benefit when it comes from a heart that firmly believes in Allah, and thus cherishes firm conviction in Allah's power and sovereignty.
Exorcist List
Islam Universe is NOT affiliated with this list, we don't know anyone from them, we just received requests to add them to our list through email, if you find anyone suspicious; please inform us to remove him immediately. If you know a righteous exorcist and would like us to add him to our list please email us at mailto:info@islam-universe.com:
Abu Junaid: 07834326225 (Birmingham and surrounding areas, UK)
Abdul Jabbaar: 07976918576 (Huddersfield and surrounding areas, UK)
Abu Abdullah As-Salafi: 07737557330 (Birmingham, UK)
Abu Abdullah: Ruqyashariyah@yahoo.co.uk, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RuqyaShariyah/
Zaid : 07985667618 (Leicester, UK)
Sheikh Abu Hanifah (appears on the Islam Channel Q&A): 0208 471 5766 (London, UK)
Ibrahim At-turki: 07719380579 (Hertfordshire, North London)
Abdulhakim Alhiyafi: (615) 668-2522 (Dallas, Tx 76107), the sheikh works in Sharia Academy and he travels to other states frequently.
Ahmad Al-Jabry: (313) 384-4509 (Dearborn, Mi 48126)
Abu Sufian: 01625365432 (Bonn)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Enes Beganovic Mecevici BB Zavidovici +387 61 757 819, enes@lijecenje-kuranom.com, http://www.lijecenje-kuranom.com/
Abdul-Hameed Abu Abdul-Wadood: office: (+212) 048 82 26 26 , cell: (+212) 062 12 01 81 , arroqia@hotmail.com, http://roqia.free.fr/ (Agadir, Morocco)
Yusuf Shabany: (+212) 069 60 56 43, aroqya@hotmail.com (Ad Dar al Bayda', Morocco)
Iqbal Salafi: TEL: 0092 51 5537998 (7AM-3PM PST), Mobile:0092 3335115646, Kashmiri Bazaar near masjid Darus Salaam, Ahl Hadith (RAWALPINDI-PAKISTAN)
Waheed Abdul-Salam Balo: 0020105061850 (Egypt)
Muhammad Al-Imam center (Ma'bar, Yemen)
Abdul-Qadir Al-Qudsy center (Al-Qadisiyah, San'a', Yemen)
Osamah Yasin Al-M'any: Home: 0096265605022, Cell: 00962777970590, info@ruqya.net, http://www.ruqya.net/ (Amman, Jordan)
Saudi Arabia
Abdul-Azeez Abu Djeen: phone: 4265211, cell: 055415020 (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Muhammed Al-Subai'y: 055216484 (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Abdul-Azeez bin Jdeed: 055425132 (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Abu Abdullah: 054264125 (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Abdullah As-Sadhan: 055261525 (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Nasir Armeeh: phone: 055425132, cell: 055212184 (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Abdullah Fahd Arsheedy: 0557556976 , 0557992665 (Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia)
Khalid Al-habashy: the imam of Masjid Al-Sulayman (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Munair Arab: (+966) 555708580, http://www.alroqia.com/ (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Abdul-Azeez Muhammed Al-Kharmy: cell: 055663850, aziz1123@hotmail.com (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Saleh An-Nah-Has: 0506575057 (At-Ta'ef, Saudi Arabia)
Ahmed Ard-dady: office: 048229319, cell: 0505302026 (Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia)
'a'edh Al-Sharary: cell: 053650839 (Tabarjal, Saudi Arabia)
Sa'eed Al-Qahtany: 055759590 (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Abu Mohammed Arsainy: 055143121 (Buraydah, Saudi Arabia)
Khalaf Aal-Baker: 054407544, (Al-aziziyah, Saudi Arabia)
Muhammed Al-ataiby: 052388818, 054449429 (Al-Khalidiyah, Saudi Arabia)
Abdullah Al-hadad: 3842452 (Al-Green, Kuwait)
Faysal Al-'anzy: 9279496 (As-Sableekhat, Kuwait)
Hady Al-'anzy: 9009019 (Al-Jahra', Kuwait)
Mohammed Al-Qaysi: 7989066 (Great Mubarak, Kuwait)
Abu Osamah: 7040056 (Kuwait)
Salah Abdul-Qader: 050/6111706 (Abu Dhabi, UAE)
It is better to make Ruqiah for yourself without contacting any exorcists however if you choose to contact an exorcist, please be advised that not everybody who claims to cure using the Quran is a righteous Sheikh, some are sorcerers who seek worldly benefits by their lies, here is how you could tell if they are sorcerers:
- If they ask for your mother's name, then definitely avoid them, only sorcerers ask for that
- If they say they have righteous Jinn helping them, then leave them, there is absolutely no way to know if a Jinn is righteous or devil, it would be a devil tricking the exorcists or more common he is a sorcerer seeking devils help
- If they write any symbols or unreadable text with or without some verses of the Quran, then leave them
- If they use sands in anyway (writing on it, hitting it, walking over it, etc.)
- If they ask you to do weird things like slaughtering a black animal or carrying some talismans with you all the time or hiding them in far places
- If they don't attend the regular prayers at the Masjid, usually sorcerers like to be alone, so please ask about them in the Masjid before contacting them.
[Produced By Islam-Universe.com]
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
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Bismullah,ir-Rahman,ir-Rahim. Ashhadu Alla Ilaha Illa Allah Wa Ashhadu Anna Muhammad Rasulu Allah" "I bear witness that there is no deity other than Allah(SWT)
and that Muhammad(SAW) is his servant and Messenger."
As-Salaam Alaikum. my Brothers and Sisters, My Name is Khalid U. Ibrahim. I am in need of your Prayers To ALLAH for Help and Protection.(Ya ALLAH!) O ALLAH! I Beg of you to bestow,on us a Home, a Home of Safety,Security and Peace in this World Life Out of the Reach of the Dajjal and his army,and Grant us a Home of Safety, Security and Peace in the Life Hereafter, out of the Reach of the Fire of Hell!. (Ya ALLAH!) OALLAH! I Beg of you to Increase our Faith and Devotion, and to Bless us with Peace in our Hearts and Souls.O Allah! I Beg You for the means to do good, to avoid evil, and to love the poor, and I beseech You to forgive us and have mercy on us. When You subject the people to a trial, Protect us from being affected by it. O Allah! I Beg of you, Your love,and the love of those who love You, and the love of all such actions that bring us closer to You, Your Love.”(Ya ALLAH!) OALLAH! I beg of you for your Protection against the Evil Influence of these Magicians and Sorcerers in this City of Houston,Tx.
Mauritius raqist are: Mawla Rezaan-2401146
Mauritius(indian ocean, african country) raqist are;
1)Mawla Rezaan:+2302401146
2)Rashid Amdanee:+2307566972
3)Mawnala Dawood:+2307995107
4)Mawla Aeit:+2309351993
5)Mawla Said:+2307929819
6)Nadeem Edoo: (no number)
7)Karamath:(no number)
may allah protect us all...
Here is a good brother in the u.s, his email is...
Assalamoualaikoum dear brothers and sisters.Am Mr Mohammad Arshad from MAURITIUS in the Indian Ocean and is being tortured since 4 years by a satanic hindu groups who do witchcraft and sending Jiins on me.7/7 and 24/24hr.According to the QURAN Jinns is made by smokless fire and is invisible.Religious Maulana like Maulana Bashir Keenoo give me wazifa,The Mufti of the Jummah Mosque Ishaaq Qadri told me that I will be victory over Kaafir and Imamm Ahmad say that they will be punished on Qayaamat day.Our babies ,boys and girls,men and women,old man and women are in dangered in Mauritius.Hindu go to Kalimay and do satanic and evils act on muslims.At Grand Bassin,Hindu go there and pray idols and do satanic rites.Idols is a great sins in Islam.Please send this message to other people and tell them to ask doah for us in MAURITIUS.BABIES ARE PARALYSED BY HINDU SATANIC SECTS.WE HAVE PROOF FROM IMMAM,MAULANA AND MUFTI IN MAURITIUS.PLEASE AN IN TERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION MUST BE DONE AS WE MUSLIMS ARE SUFFERINGAwaiting your reply.
Ces derniers mois, l’actualité a fait état de plusieurs affaires liées à la sorcellerie. En début d’année, la presse rapportait un cas de kidnapping et de passage à tabac lié aux sciences occultes. Une plainte a aussi été déposée par une personne qui se serait fait escroquer par un “traiteur”.
Des histoires qui confirment que la sorcellerie n’a pas disparu de nos mœurs. Pour en savoir plus, Scope a rencontré un “traiteur”, un gardien de cimetière et quelques personnes ayant eu recours aux longanis.
Ayant eu vent de pratiques liées à la sorcellerie dans la région de Les Salines, nous y sommes allés faire un tour en pleine journée. Au cimetière Saint-Georges, au pied de la Grande Croix, de nombreux signes laissent indiquer que des pratiques louches y ont eu lieu. Limons coupés en deux, bougies consommées et autres bâtons d’encens sont en évidence.
Mais c’est dans le Cimetière de l’Ouest (Western Cemetery), juste à côté, que nous allons assister à un véritable rituel. Un homme d’une trentaine d’années vêtu d’un blue-jean et d’une chemise s’approche de la Grande Croix. Debout devant elle, l’homme semble réciter des “prières” et effectue des gestes saugrenus avec les objets qu’il a déposés au pied de la croix. Ne prêtant aucune attention à notre présence, l’homme se dirige à un moment vers une tombe et y dépose ce qui semble être du sel, avant de revenir vers la Grande Croix. Son rituel durera une bonne vingtaine de minutes.
Kalbas sinwa.
Si l’on en croit un gardien qui a longtemps travaillé au Western Cemetery, il n’est pas rare d’assister à ce genre de pratique. “Nous voyons régulièrement des personnes qui viennent effectuer des rituels bizarres au pied de la Grande Croix. Ils sont vêtus comme vous et moi et personne ne peut s’imaginer que ce sont des longanis. Pour être francs, nous ne prêtons vraiment plus attention à eux”, confie-t-il.
Selon ce qu’il raconte, les longanis viennent surtout le soir, mais il arrive qu’on les aperçoive en pleine journée. “Ils enjambent les murs. Ils sont parfois accompagnés d’autres personnes, sans doute leurs clients. On les voit tuer des poules, trancher des kalbas sinwa et allumer des bâtons d’encens. Parfois, ils creusent les sépultures, allument du camphre et manipulent des aiguilles. Au début, cela faisait bizarre. Mais nous nous sommes habitués à voir ces rituels ou d’en trouver les traces le lendemain. Nous n’avons pas peur.”
Move zer.
MAURITIUS: Nadeem Edoo 9515650
MAURITIUS: Nadeem Edoo 9515650
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Yes send me a message on 00918500558877 i will arrange insha allah.
Rashid amdanee phone num 59289495 now in Dubai contact via whattsap num in Dubai +971523387880
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